- All Accounting Transactions viz. Sales, Sales Return, Purchase, Purchase Return, Cash, Bank & Journal, Inward & outward services as well as option for Performa Invoice with accounting reports like Daybooks, General Ledgers as well as Party Ledgers, Trial Balance, Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account as well as Balance Sheet.
- Outstanding reminders. (Under Profit-Lite Messenger Services)
- Outstanding Module with variety of tracking options like Party wise, Group wise, City Wise along with Aging Analysis and overdue Interest Details.
- Fully Customizable Sales and Purchase Registers
- HSN code wise GST Rates Master
- Predefined ledger accounts of SGST, CGST,IGST & UTGST
- Option to link every product or service with HSN code / SAC Code
- Automatic application of SGST,CGST,IGST or UTGST based on selection of party at the time of Sale / Supply invoice
- Option to compute GST based on advance payment with appropriate effect in GSTR-1
- Auto-population of GSTR-1 based on data entered in transactions
- Export of GSTR-1 in the format which can be uploaded through any GSP

- Auto updation of GSTR-1 to GSTN site ( Paid Service )
- Auto population of GSTR-2 based on GSTN records and marking of unmatched purchase records ( Paid Service)
- Request based data fetching and matching of ITC from GSTN records ( Paid Service)
- E Filing of GST returns ( Paid Service)
- GST Exception Report, GST Computation Report, GST Summary Report, GST Rate wise summary Report, GST Advance Receipt Report, GST Reverse charge Report, GST Advance Payment Report, GST Ineligible ITC Report, E-way bill generation
- GST Returns : GSTR-3B, GSTR-1, GSTR-2, GSTR-2 (Reconciliation), GSTR-3, GSTR-4, GST-ITC-04,

- Robust Inventory Management option which allows definition of Products based on multiple units of measurements.
- Detailed Inventory Management Reports
- Option to maintain details of Production based on BOM
- Facility to maintain details for stock lying across multiple locations.
- Facility to enter multiple quantities for the same product like weight, pieces, sq. meters etc.
- Customizable Tabular Display Like Excel For each Report (with Multi-Level Grouping, Sorting and Custom Data Filtering)
- Fully customizable Invoice Formats
- Each Report Can be Exported in Various Formats Like PDF, XLS, XLSX, CSV, HTML and DOC. Direct emailing of each report possible.
- Extra User Definable Fields provided during Transaction Entry (Cash/Bank/Journal/Sales/Purchase) where specific business related information can be stored and the same can be accessed in various reports.


- Back-end Database – MS Access
- Number of New company creation : 03
- Complete order management for both sales and purchase transactions along with orders and challans entry.
- Invoice preparation from orders or challans.